
Some BIG News!

Hey guys!

I'm a bit behind on updating this. Apologies! On the plus side, I have a ton of news to share today. Let's start with some of the big stuff first, shall we? InkSpell Publishing has not renewed my contract with them, so I have officially regained the rights to my novella MY SOUL TO SAVE, my New Adult series COLLIDE, and my Young Adult novel THANKS FOR THE VENOM. 

I currently have COLLIDE on submission with a publisher as a single novel.


I've self-publishing THANKS FOR THE VENOM and MY SOUL TO SAVE. Both are available now. I've also made temporary covers for them while I save up to afford paperback covers for both. (There is a chance I'll do a GoFundMe to try and do collector editions, too.)

Now, onto more exciting news... I have finally finished writing the first draft for A KILLER OBSESSION. I'm working on edits now, and I plan on submitting it to agents by October.

I've also made a new eBook cover for SUBMERGED. The book is nearly a decade old, so I felt it needed a bit of a facelift. I intend on doing the same for STOUTHEARTED very, very soon.

Now, let's discuss what I'm working on next:

  1. 1. Among the Stars
  2. 2. Standalone New Adult Novel (Dark Romance)
  3. 3. Standalone New Adult Novella (Dark Romance)
  4. 4. Grow Up & Blow Away
  5. 5. League of Strays (Novella Series)

It's going to be a busy rest of the year. 

Happy reading!

<3 Nicole


Moving my Books to Kindle Unlimited

Happy (belated) New Year, folks.

It has been a long, long time since I've updated this thing. I do apologize for that. Things have been rough. As many as you are aware, in 2023, I lost my job and lost my older brother - two events I'm still struggling to overcome. I'm still out of work, despite applying to hundreds of jobs, and writing is officially my only source of income. (My husband is working, but we're barely getting by.) Because of this, I've made a BIG decision. All of my independently published books are moving to Kindle Unlimited.

Books that will not be moving to Kindle Unlimited:

  • Thanks for the Venom (InkSpell Publishing)
  • My Soul to Save (InkSpell Publishing - Magic & Mischief anthology)
  • Collide (InkSpell Publishing)
  • Time After Time (Evernight Teen)

Along with that news, I figured I'd share a quick update regarding the books I'm currently working on.

  • A Killer Obsession - Standalone YA Thriller inspired by Criminal Minds
  • Among the Stars - Standalone NA Fantasy; in memory of my brother
  • Grow Up & Blow Away - Standalone NA Contemporary Romance
I've put everything else on hold for the moment. This is so I can focus solely on these books. Once I complete A Killer Obsession, I will move The Crimson onto my WIP list. But I'm trying not to overwhelm myself too much.

And lastly, The Outbreak Duology: The Complete Series is finally available in paperback. You can purchase it now for $24.99. The paperback includes Spark and Strength, two short stories you can only read in the complete collection. 

<3 Nicole


TO HELL, WITH LOVE is Finally Available!

After what feels like forever, TO HELL, WITH LOVE is now available. 

The eBook is currently exclusive to Amazon as it is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, however, the paperback should be available through all distribution channels. I initially had no intention of self-publishing this one, but then everything seemed to go wrong in my personal life... so, I'm going to release a few books on my own.

This means that in October, you'll finally be able to read THE CURSE - my New Adult vampire novella. And then in November, I'm hoping to publish WRAPPED IN RED, a Christmas novella. There will not be a book published in December because I'll be getting married. After that? Well, we'll see.

<3 Nicole



Hey everyone. I'm going to make this short and sweet.

TIME AFTER TIME was released on July 14th from Evernight Teen. I had extensive promotions planned for the release. Book tours. Social media influencers. Book boxes. But then my world came crashing down just two days later. On July 16th, I lost my big brother - my first best friend and one of the most important people in my life.

Since then, I haven't been able to promote TIME AFTER TIME. I even stopped writing. (All future releases are now up in the air regarding releases, I'm sorry.)

I don't know when I'll be back to writing.

I don't know much of anything right now.

If you would like to read TIME AFTER TIME, it is available now everywhere that eBooks are sold. If you could spread the word for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. As of now, the book has 0 reviews and it's not even on Goodreads, so it's not exactly finding readers.

I'm hoping to be able to check in periodically, but grieving takes time and I'm an utter mess right now.


Cover Reveal for THE CURSE, Plus an Update!

My little vampire novella series, This Body a Tomb, will officially launch later this month. I initially planned on releasing the first book in June, however, due to some health issues and simply not being able to get the book to where it needed to be, I pushed it out a month. The first book, The Curse, is around 30,000 words. It's fun, it's action-packed and it's spicy. This is not a book meant for my usual young adult audience. I wanted to try to push myself with my writing, and well, this three-book novella series is allowing me to do just that.

Here's the official cover for The Curse.

The book is coming out later this month and you can officially pre-order it on Amazon. There will be a paperback edition, but it'll be released a few weeks later. 

I never intended for this book to come out before To Hell, With Love, especially as that book has been done forever. But that book was still out with beta readers up until recently, and I needed a distraction while I wanted to work on edits. I'm hoping to have an official update for To Hell, With Love very soon. It's coming, though, I promise!


Cover Reveal for TIME AFTER TIME, Coming Soon!

I'm incredibly excited to share the cover for Time After Time. This is a Young Adult standalone title that will be releasing soon from Evernight Teen. This is one of the books I wrote during the pandemic. I initially set out to self-publish it, but ultimately wanted to find the right home for the book, and with Evernight Teen I've done just that. We've completed the edits, and my editor was amazing. I'm hoping to have a release date -- and pre-order link -- that I can share soon. For now, enjoy the beautiful cover.

Here is the official synopsis:

Seventeen-year-old Maya Reed wants nothing more than to live a normal life, but when you’re an anomaly that shouldn’t exist? A normal life isn’t feasible.
I died ten times. Ten times. And the only thing I remembered upon returning was his face. I could never recall his name, or who he was to me, but I knew he was a vital part of my past. He was the key to my future—a future I was desperate to retain.
But I’m not supposed to be here. I’m running out of time, and if I don’t find him soon, I fear what will come in my absence. Can love save her before it’s too late?
Once we have a release date, I'll start sharing teasers from the book. If you loved The Emile Reed Chronicles but wanted more romance? This book is definitely for you!


Book Deal and Other News!

I've been wanting to announce this for a bit now, but I had to wait until the contract was signed. Time  After Time, my little weirdo Young Adult romance, has found a home with Evernight Teen. I've been wanting to work with Evernight Teen for some time now. In fact, I've submitted multiple books to them but things just didn't work out. (Understandably!) So, I'm thrilled to be partnering with them on this book. Once I know more details, you'll know them! For now, just know it has a publisher behind it.

Now, onto Deadly Little Secret: I've finally changed the name. It's now titled To Hell, With Love... and it's out on submission. I love, love, love this book. Like Time After Time, this New Adult romance is a standalone title. It is not connected to any of my other titles. It's snarky, angsty and full of romance. (There are even a couple of spicy scenes that border on Adult.) I don't know when I'll have news - if any - on this one. But fingers crossed it finds a home because I would love Lila and Jay's story to reach as many readers as possible.

With those two done, what am I working on now?

Just One Night: A 10k word LGBTQ+ New Adult novella that is being written for an anthology. If it gets picked, I'm hoping to share more about it soon. If not, I'll save it and maybe develop it more down the line. (I'm 5K words in, so it's almost done.)

Grow Up & Blow Away: My standalone New Adult contemporary romance. This one is coming later this year and I'm self-publishing it. That's only because this one is pretty close to my heart. I've been working on this story for over seven years now. The version that I'm working on at the moment is an entirely new draft and it's probably my favorite WIP to date. It's steamy, but fun. I like Monica and Dillon and I think you guys will, too. (There will be a new cover coming later this year.)

Untitled Kiss Novella: I'm writing an Adult story for a contest on the Kiss app. It'll be around 10k words and it's like nothing I've written before. More details at a later date.

As We Fall: Another LGBTQ+ title I'm excited to share. This is a Young Adult book - the first of a duology - and it'll be released later this year.

Survival Instinct: I'm also re-writing Survival Instinct. I'm self-publishing this one in December. It's a full-length zombie story with romance. It's the book I've been wanting to release for years. I love Raven and I can't wait for you guys to read the new take on this story. It's much cleaner, and a hell of a lot stronger. 

Now, onto to some more goodies: Collide: Book One, Collide: Book Three, and Collide: Book Four are now available as audiobooks. There's a production issue on Collide: Book Two, so I'm hoping that is fixed soon so we can get it out. The audiobook for Stouthearted is finally available, too. I'm hoping to have even more audiobooks coming in the next few months.