
"Stouthearted" Update + a Giveaway!

This has been a long time coming. I know, I know, but I finally have a release date set for Stouthearted! Are you ready?


July 21st, 2014!

I know that seems far away, but it isn't, I promise!

I should stress that this is the FINAL book in Taylen's story. (It is a duology, after all.)
I'm sad to be saying goodby to these characters, but I think you guys will like how the story ends.  And for the Glate fans? There are plenty of swoonworthy moments!

There will be a pre-order option (on every eBook store except for Amazon, unfortunately). I'll have those links ready in early July. During the release week, you'll be able to purchase Stouthearted for only $0.99. After that it'll go up to $2.99 (regular price). The paperback will more than likely be the same price as the paperback for Submerged. Amazon likes to mess with the prices on those, though, so I don't know for certain just yet.

I'm so thankful to everyone that took a chance on Submerged. I was so scared when I released it, because I'd spent nearly two and a half years working on it before I published it. I adore Taylen, and I'm so happy that others have fallen in love with her story. It means a lot to me, so thank you, again. This book is for everyone of you. <3

As a thank you, and because today is my birthday, I'm going to giveaway ONE digital ARC copy of Stouthearted. How do you enter? Share this post (on Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, etc) and comment below with your links, as well as a Twitter name for me to contact you. (I don't want you to post your e-mails publicly, so this will be the easiest way to get a hold of you.) The giveaway will run until July 10th, 2014.


  1. As much as I love free books from people, I think it wouldn't be smart to start reading a series with the last book, so I'm abstaining from this one. I do, however, want to leave a comment anyway to say happy birthday and I love you to one of my favourite authors. Have a good day! <3
