
New to My Shelves!

I haven't really been around these past couple of weeks, and I apologize for that. I've been incredibly busy. I just finished a re-write of Capture (yes, I overhauled the book again). I published Standby on Friday. I'm still working on Rebooted, and I'm trying to finish up Collide. All of that on top of my full time job. So yeah, it's been a bit hard to schedule in blog time. I'm working on it, I promise!

Books that I purchased this week:
  1. Out of Time by Jen McLaughlin
  2. Pawn by Aimee Carter
  3. The Moon Dwellers by David Estes
ARCs for Review:
  1. Kiss Me At Midnight by Diane Alberts 
Thanks you, Entangled Publishing! I will have a review up for this one on December 31st, 2013 to celebrate the launch. =D

A few updates:
  1. The new paperbacks for Program 13 and Submerged are now live and available for purchase. If you'd like to purchase a signed copy, you have until December 23rd to do so (all signed books come with swag). I will be closed to orders between 12/23/13 and 1/3/14. 
  2. Standby is finally available! This is a digital short, so it is a short story. But! The entire first chapter of Rebooted is included in the back of the eBook. Rebooted is my favorite book of the series, so I hope you guys enjoy the sneak peek!
  3. I've been doing a bit of querying these past couple of weeks. I hate querying, I really do, mainly because rejection isn't fun, but I figure the worst that can happen is that they say no. Thick skin is a must in this business. Who knows? Maybe, by some miracle, I'll have some good news to report soon. *fingers crossed*
  4. Christmas Story: The Christmas short story that I teased about on Facebook? That should be up on December 23rd. Originally, I meant for it to feature Nate (from Collide), but since you haven't met those characters yet, I'm going to change that. ;)
  5. Submerged bookmarks will be in tomorrow!
  6. Submerged audiobook: Guess what will be available soon?! The narrator did an awesome job with this story, guys. Her voice is clear, and she handles the POV shifts (in the prologue + epilogue) wonderfully. It should be live on Audible and Amazon within two weeks! Just a reminder, when it does go live, I have absolutely no control over the price. That is set by ACX.
<3 Nicole

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