
Saturday Update!

Wow, it has been forever since I've done one of these!

Where I've been: I've been terrible at updating this blog/reviewing books. Being sick has made it difficult. I don't know how many of you remember but, back in March, I went to my doctor because I had a lump in my neck and it hurt really, really, really bad. At that point, she thought it was nothing more than a pulled muscle and gave me some pain cream to use. It worked. For about a day or two, and over the next few months, it went from being one lump to being three. I ended up going back to her last week, where we found out it was actually an infection (from a sinus infection and/or ear infection) that ended up dripping into my neck, which led to the harden lumps. I'm on antibiotics now and I'm actually starting to feel better. I do have to get my knee taken care of still, since the MRI revealed there was severe bruising and a build up on my right knee, which makes it painful to walk at times. Other than that, I'm a lot better than I have been for a few months now. I don't want you all to feel as though I've been ignoring any of you or that I've lost interest in the blog. That isn't the case at all. :)

Deprogrammed is live! Amazon has it listed as 159ish pages for the Kindle. While Deprogrammed is shorter than Program 13, I can assure you, it is over 200 pages. They estimate the page count, so don't let that scare you. The reason that Deprogrammed is shorter is because I wanted to end the story naturally. Considering I still have a third novel to write and two digital shorts, I didn't want to drag out the second installment just to build my word count. Plus, Deprogrammed will be followed by Standby and a collection of short stories featuring four characters from Deprogrammed. The short stories should help to answer a good amount of questions raised after reading book two (everything does tie together). FYI: The short story collection will be free.

Standby: Hayden's digital short is going to be darker than the other stories. (If you've read Deprogrammed, you know how this short is going to begin and you'll understand what I mean.) He's easily one of my favorite characters from this series, so I'm enjoying giving him his own short, but it is a bit difficult to write. I mean, I know where the story is going, I've had this thought out long before I even started writing Program 13. I knew where the characters would end up, so I should've known what was coming, but...

Submerged Prequel Novella: If you follow me on Twitter, or if you like my Facebook page, chances are you've seen me mention a possible Submerged prequel novella. It would serve as a companion story, and it would take place at the unsought of the Outbreak. Taylen and company would not be making an appearance. This would feature all new characters, an entirely new threat, etc. If it is something you'd want to read, let me know. Right now it is only an idea. (And no, I don't have any updates on Submerged # 2 just yet. Sorry lovelies. Soon, I promise!)

Street Team: I've had some interest in the street team, but not very much. So, after I send out the next batch of packages, I'm most likely just going to shut it down. :\ On the plus side? This will mean more giveaways on the blog! (Signed copies, ARCs, swag, gift-cards, etc.)

Audiobooks: No Place Like Home is available as an audiobook! If you're looking for a quick read - er, listen - why not check it out? Is Love: Volume 1 should be available within the next week, and Submerged will be available in a few months. (The narrator for Submerged is pretty awesome!)

<3 Nicole

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