
Saying Goodbye to "Twilight".

Not everyone likes Twilight, and I get that, I do. But even if you didn't care for the books or the movies, you can't deny the fact that Twilight brought a lot of attention back to YA fiction and that it brought people together over their love for the story.

I happen to be a fan of the series, so I've been there since the first movie was released. Every year I'd go to the midnight showing where I'd find myself in a line full of hundreds of fans (and yes, I did line up for Breaking Dawn, the book, when it was released). It was honestly one of the most amazing things I'd ever experienced. I mean, the only other time I'd seen such a thing was with Harry Potter, but this was different and I came into that fandom a few movie in, so I hadn’t experienced it from the beginning. With Twilight, I watched as the crowds grew; as people of all different ages lined up to witness Bella and Edward’s story play out on the big screen time and time again.

And last night, when the credits rolled, I watched as those same people said goodbye. Some cried. Some smiled. But for me, the best part was how once “A Thousand Years” kicked in, every single person in that theater started to sing. In that moment, you felt as though you were a part of something. That’s the one thing I’ve always enjoyed about the Twilight fandom. Media outlets are quick to give the fans a bad rep, but the passion among the fans, the dedication? It’s something that I’ll never forget.

I’m said to see this series end, but at the same time, I’m happy to see it end on a beautiful note.

And yes, I will be seeing it again this weekend… after I do a re-watch of the other four movies. I usually do a repeat viewing for movies that I *really* enjoy, and well, with that ending? You can bet my butt will be back to see on the big screen at least one more time. ;)

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