
A Few Things.

This post is going to be a bit all over the place, and for that, I do want to apologize.

First off, if you haven't seen Cabin in the Woods yet...well, we can't be friends. Just kidding! But seriously, do yourself a favor and go see this movie. It completely turns the horror genre on it's a**. As a Goddard/Whedon fan, I absolutely adored this movie. It's hilarious. It's scary (occasionally). But overall, it's really about how desensitized we are anymore.

Secondly: This happened over the weekend:
I wrote "Teenage Reaper" on Friday specifically for a contest on Figment. Over the weekend, it was displayed on the front page. This is awesome because I've never had a story chosen for the homepage before. ;)

I'm working on finding an editor for "Capture". I could easily hire an editor, yes. But I'm looking for an editor that enjoys the story, but is also willing to provide a complete edit on the manuscript. I don't want to just hire the first editor I come upon, or even the cheapest. I'm hoping to secure an editor by the end of the month (to hit an August release date).

A note concerning "No Place Like Home":
You know how at the end of Law and Order, while they may solve the murder, the end of the show is actually left open -- allowing viewers to determine what happens to the murders and so forth? Well, "No Place Like Home" is like that. You'll know how and why Savannah was murdered, and you'll know by who, but there isn't a wrap up ending. I wanted to leave it open so that readers can decide what happens next with these characters. Just a warning. I'm hoping that readers outside of Figment and InkPop enjoy this novella as much as I enjoyed writing it.

And well...that's it.
I'm still sick (going on two weeks now), so I haven't made much progress writing wise. I'll be playing catch up once this cold passes.

Happy Monday!

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