
Some BIG News!

Hey guys!

I'm a bit behind on updating this. Apologies! On the plus side, I have a ton of news to share today. Let's start with some of the big stuff first, shall we? InkSpell Publishing has not renewed my contract with them, so I have officially regained the rights to my novella MY SOUL TO SAVE, my New Adult series COLLIDE, and my Young Adult novel THANKS FOR THE VENOM. 

I currently have COLLIDE on submission with a publisher as a single novel.


I've self-publishing THANKS FOR THE VENOM and MY SOUL TO SAVE. Both are available now. I've also made temporary covers for them while I save up to afford paperback covers for both. (There is a chance I'll do a GoFundMe to try and do collector editions, too.)

Now, onto more exciting news... I have finally finished writing the first draft for A KILLER OBSESSION. I'm working on edits now, and I plan on submitting it to agents by October.

I've also made a new eBook cover for SUBMERGED. The book is nearly a decade old, so I felt it needed a bit of a facelift. I intend on doing the same for STOUTHEARTED very, very soon.

Now, let's discuss what I'm working on next:

  1. 1. Among the Stars
  2. 2. Standalone New Adult Novel (Dark Romance)
  3. 3. Standalone New Adult Novella (Dark Romance)
  4. 4. Grow Up & Blow Away
  5. 5. League of Strays (Novella Series)

It's going to be a busy rest of the year. 

Happy reading!

<3 Nicole

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